Saturday, August 5, 2017

American Caesar Part 4

Nearly all historians agree that the Battle of St. Louis was the decisive turning point of the Second American Civil War. Lasting for the first half of 1937, it was the bloodiest battle in American history to date. US troops stood guard in trenches for days and even weeks on end, as wave after wave of Syndicalist and America First soldiers attacked across the Mississippi River into the city. But thanks to the fortitude of the American forces, the line held. 

By June of 1937, with St. Louis firmly in US hands, MacArthur decided he was ready for a counter attack. On June 4, US forces crossed the Mississippi and began what became known as "The Long Push". The Long Push lasted for almost two and a half years, and finally brought total victory to the United States on September 2, 1939. 

But even as the war in America was winding down, across the Atlantic, another war was breaking out. The Syndicalist Commune of France and the Union of Britain under the rule of its Totalist dictator Oswald Mosley, invaded Switzerland, forcing the Germans to come to aid of the Swiss. Meanwhile, the exiled royals in Canada saw this as their chance to liberate Britain from Syndicalism, and declared war on Mosley. The Second Weltkrieg had begun, and it was time for the United States to pick a side...