Thursday, October 12, 2017

Are We Back in the 1930s?

Over the last few weeks, I've been reading a book about one of the most chaotic and dangerous eras in human history: the years leading up to the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. And while reading this book, I had a very worrying thought: the tumultuous years of the 1930s were disturbingly similar to our own time...

Think about it. Back then, the world was rocked by a worldwide economic crisis which fueled discontent and anger. There were several blood-thirsty tyrants (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo...) who were seeking to settle old grudges with the dominant powers by stirring up chaos. They were willing to throw weaker countries like Spain into civil war to give them a battleground to vent their anger and rivalries. We have plenty of tyrants like that today as well: Putin, Kim Jong Un, the Ayatollah Khamenei, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who are using Syria in the exact same way.

Back in the 1930s the Western Powers were mostly led by weak leaders like Neville Chamberlain, who sought to maintain peace at any cost, even if it meant giving in to murderous foreign thugs. Reading about it, I can't help but be reminded of Obama's cowardly deal with Iran.

And finally, the 1930s also had brave men like Winston Churchill, who were willing to stand up and speak out against the tyrants and those who enabled them. I can think of at least one man like that in the world today: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Do we have anyone like that here in the United States?...

I pray to God we do.

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