Friday, July 29, 2016

The Wacky Adventures of Kim Jong Un and Friends!!!

Ok, so apparently North Korea, AKA South Korea's Evil (and stupid) Twin, has declared war on America. Why you may ask? Because we stopped giving their dictator, Kim Jong Un, his weekly allowance. Naturally, that really grinds his gears. After all, without money, how's he supposed to pay for all of those violent X Box games he stole from Wal-Mart? I mean sure, he could just use all the money he steals from other people works hard for, but why waste that money when he could use other people's? Nah, much easier to just get the money by declaring war on a global superpower. what could possibly go wrong, am I right?


...No, I'm not. Assuming the USA actually takes North Korea's declaration of war seriously instead of just laughing in Kim Jong Un's fat, ugly face, the North Koreans are going to get destroyed like a toilet in Taco Bell. You see, North Korea is basically the global version of that annoying little twerp you all probably knew in school. You know, the snotty brat with stupid hair who looks like his favorite hobby is probably swearing at people in multiplayer Call of Duty matches? Yeah, that kid. He may like to mouth off at you, but if you actually call him out for it, the little insect will probably just pee his pants a little and scamper off to whine to his parents about how he was bullied in school...

 ...Sorry, what was I talking about?... Oh yeah, North Korea, the country that took one look at Hitler and Stalin and said "Pfft, you call that evil?". All that being said though, don't worry too much about them nuking us. If they tried to nuke Los Angeles, they'd probably hit Djibouti. Or hopefully, the nuke would just turn back and finally blow Kim Jon Un to the Bad Place, where he can meet his idol the Devil. And I for one, will laugh hysterically through it all.

P.S.: So, as you may have guessed, Star Trek Month is pretty much over now. Sorry I had to skip over a few things, but maybe I'll be able to talk about the other movies some other time.

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