Thursday, June 9, 2016

Free Speech on the Internet

Sorry to follow up a serious post with another serious one, but this is just something I need to get off my chest. You see, recently a YouTuber called "Evalion" was kicked off the site. "But why?" I hear all of my loyal minions (that's you by the way) ask. Well, because she was making a bunch of racist videos about how the Jews are supposedly evil, how Hitler supposedly wasn't evil, you know, the usual Neo-Nazi garbage. All of this broke YouTube's anti hate speech rules, so off she went.

Seems like an open and shut case, right?...



Nope. Now there's apparently an entire hashtag movement called #FreeSpeechForEvalion calling for her YouTube account to be restored because supposedly her free speech rights are being violated. (As a side note, it's pretty rich to see wannabe Nazis stepping up to defend freedom of speech, considering that their precious Fuhrer had no qualms about destroying it in Germany.) But let's get one thing straight here: YouTube is a privately owned business, not a government institution. If it were a government run website, then yes, it would have to allow everyone's opinion to be heard, no matter how vile, because the government is (at least in theory) run by constitutional principles. But a privately owned website has every right to not allow hate speech on it's site, in the same way that you would have every right to kick someone out of your house if they started spouting out vile racist statements. Or if ISIS were suddenly spamming the comments section on my blog, I would have every right to ban them.

So no, Evalion doesn't get to pull the "Oh, muh free speech!111" card here. She broke a website's rules, and is paying the price for it. It's not like she couldn't just start up her own blog to spout her cancerous verbal diarrhea on.

In conclusion, I'd like to point out that, if anything, YouTube is being far too lax here. Sure, Evalion got kicked off, but there are still plenty of other racist  or otherwise hateful channels and videos on YouTube that have yet to be dealt with. Seriously YouTube, step up your game!

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